The Natural Spinner

Each of us is inspired by someone, something or some place…whether we realize it or not. The first time I laid eyes on Tasha’s garden, I felt inspiration. The only crafty thing I could do at the time was knit. I also knew how to crochet, but we won’t go there. I was into collecting gardening books and I came upon Margaret Hensel’s English Cottage Gardening for American Gardeners.  I flipped through the book and immediately loved it. It’s one of the only books I ever paid full price for!

So how does this relate to the fiber crafts I am so deeply into these days? It is interesting how one thing leads to another. That’s what happened to me. I had the gardening book and upon closer inspection, when I really had the chance to sit down with it, it was Tasha’s garden that spoke to me the most. I just connected with it. Thing is, I had no idea who she was. After reading the entire chapter about her garden, I did some research as to who she was. I looked online and learned what I could. There were some books about her life and garden, so I started with the garden book, next I bought the one she wrote about her life. It took me a while before I bought her heirloom crafts book. I was smitten with her 19th century style life, her slow but steady way of getting things done, just everything about her appealed to me. I’m not sure the exact moment it really clicked with me but in May of 2009, I looked for someone who could teach me how to spin. Tasha had inspired me to make my own yarn! Luckily for me, there was a local fiber shop and at the time, there was a spinning class offered. I jumped at it and here I am, in 2022 , passing on that learning, every chance I get!

I only wish I had had the chance to visit her home before she was gone. She still inspires me to this day. I have all of the books about her and a few of the childrens books she either wrote or illustrated. I have the two videos about her and watch them regularly, especially if I’m feeling down. She picks me up and inspires me every day!

My dream is to open a learning center for all hand crafts and life skills…